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5.400 Bytes hinzugefügt ,  13:13, 12. Jan. 2022
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Zeile 10: Zeile 10:  
*{{Literatur |Autor=Adrien Joseph, Hui Chen, Gerasimos Anagnostopoulos, Léa Montégut, Antoine Lafarge |Titel=Effects of acyl-coenzyme A binding protein (ACBP)/diazepam-binding inhibitor (DBI) on body mass index |Sammelwerk=Cell Death & Disease |Band=12 |Nummer=6 |Datum=2021-06-09 |ISSN=2041-4889 |DOI=10.1038/s41419-021-03864-9 |PMC=8190068 |PMID=34108446 |Seiten=1–14 |Online= |Abruf=2022-01-12}}
*{{Literatur |Autor=Adrien Joseph, Hui Chen, Gerasimos Anagnostopoulos, Léa Montégut, Antoine Lafarge |Titel=Effects of acyl-coenzyme A binding protein (ACBP)/diazepam-binding inhibitor (DBI) on body mass index |Sammelwerk=Cell Death & Disease |Band=12 |Nummer=6 |Datum=2021-06-09 |ISSN=2041-4889 |DOI=10.1038/s41419-021-03864-9 |PMC=8190068 |PMID=34108446 |Seiten=1–14 |Online= |Abruf=2022-01-12}}
*{{Literatur |Autor=Franziska Grundler, Dietmar Plonné, Robin Mesnage, Diethard Müller, Cesare R. Sirtori |Titel=Long-term fasting improves lipoprotein-associated atherogenic risk in humans |Sammelwerk=European Journal of Nutrition |Band=60 |Nummer=7 |Datum=2021-10-01 |ISSN=1436-6215 |DOI=10.1007/s00394-021-02578-0 |PMC=8437871 |PMID=33963431 |Seiten=4031–4044 |Online= |Abruf=}}
*{{Literatur |Autor=Franziska Grundler, Dietmar Plonné, Robin Mesnage, Diethard Müller, Cesare R. Sirtori |Titel=Long-term fasting improves lipoprotein-associated atherogenic risk in humans |Sammelwerk=European Journal of Nutrition |Band=60 |Nummer=7 |Datum=2021-10-01 |ISSN=1436-6215 |DOI=10.1007/s00394-021-02578-0 |PMC=8437871 |PMID=33963431 |Seiten=4031–4044 |Online= |Abruf=}}
*{{Literatur |Autor=Stylianos Ravanidis, Franziska Grundler, Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, Evangelos Dimitriou, Fotios Tekos |Titel=Fasting-mediated metabolic and toxicity reprogramming impacts circulating microRNA levels in humans |Sammelwerk=Food and Chemical Toxicology |Band=152 |Datum=2021-06-01 |ISSN=0278-6915 |DOI=10.1016/j.fct.2021.112187 |Seiten=112187 |Online= |Abruf=2022-01-12}}
*{{Literatur |Autor=Franziska Grundler, Robin Mesnage, Andreas Michalsen, Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo |Titel=Blood Pressure Changes in 1610 Subjects With and Without Antihypertensive Medication During Long‐Term Fasting |Sammelwerk=Journal of the American Heart Association |Band=9 |Nummer=23 |Datum=2020-12-01 |DOI=10.1161/JAHA.120.018649 |PMC=7763762 |PMID=33222606 |Seiten=e018649 |Online= |Abruf=2022-01-12}}
*{{Literatur |Autor=Franziska Grundler, Robin Mesnage, Nikolaos Goutzourelas, Fotios Tekos, Sotiria Makri |Titel=Interplay between oxidative damage, the redox status, and metabolic biomarkers during long-term fasting |Sammelwerk=Food and Chemical Toxicology |Band=145 |Datum=2020-11-01 |ISSN=0278-6915 |DOI=10.1016/j.fct.2020.111701 |PMC=7446623 |PMID=32858131 |Seiten=111701 |Online= |Abruf=2022-01-12}}<ref>{{Literatur |Autor=Franziska Grundler, Robin Mesnage, Nikolaos Goutzourelas, Fotios Tekos, Sotiria Makri |Titel=Interplay between oxidative damage, the redox status, and metabolic biomarkers during long-term fasting |Sammelwerk=Food and Chemical Toxicology |Band=145 |Datum=2020-11-01 |ISSN=0278-6915 |DOI=10.1016/j.fct.2020.111701 |PMC=7446623 |PMID=32858131 |Seiten=111701 |Online= |Abruf=2022-01-12}}</ref>
* {{Literatur |Autor=Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, Franziska Grundler, Cesare R. Sirtori, Massimiliano Ruscica |Titel=Unravelling the health effects of fasting: a long road from obesity treatment to healthy life span increase and improved cognition |Sammelwerk=Annals of Medicine |Band=52 |Nummer=5 |Datum=2020-07-03 |ISSN=0785-3890 |DOI=10.1080/07853890.2020.1770849 |PMC=7877980 |PMID=32519900 |Seiten=147–161 |Online= |Abruf=}}
* {{Literatur |Autor=Magalie Viallon, Benjamin Leporq, Stephan Drinda, Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, Bogdan Galusca |Titel=Chemical-Shift-Encoded Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy to Reveal Immediate and Long-Term Multi-Organs Composition Changes of a 14-Days Periodic Fasting Intervention: A Technological and Case Report |Sammelwerk=Frontiers in Nutrition |Band=6 |Datum=2019 |ISSN=2296-861X |DOI=10.3389/fnut.2019.00005 |Seiten=5 |Online= |Abruf=2022-01-12}}
* {{Literatur |Autor=Robin Mesnage, Franziska Grundler, Andreas Schwiertz, Yvon Le Maho, Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo |Titel=Changes in human gut microbiota composition are linked to the energy metabolic switch during 10 d of Buchinger fasting |Sammelwerk=Journal of Nutritional Science |Band=8 |Datum=2019 |ISSN=2048-6790 |DOI=10.1017/jns.2019.33 |PMC=6861737 |PMID=31798864 |Online= |Abruf=2022-01-12}}
* {{Literatur |Autor=Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, Franziska Grundler, Audrey Bergouignan, Stefan Drinda, Andreas Michalsen |Titel=Safety, health improvement and well-being during a 4 to 21-day fasting period in an observational study including 1422 subjects |Sammelwerk=PLOS ONE |Band=14 |Nummer=1 |Datum=2019-02-01 |ISSN=1932-6203 |DOI=10.1371/journal.pone.0209353 |PMC=6314618 |PMID=30601864 |Seiten=e0209353 |Online= |Abruf=2022-01-12}}
== Literatur ==
* '''Fasting therapy-an expert panel update of the 2002 consensus guidelines.'''  Wilhelmi de Toledo, F.; Buchinger, A.; Burggrabe, H.; Hölz, G.; Kuhn, C.; Lischka, E.; Lischka, N.; Lützner, H.; May, W.; Ritzmann-Widderich, M.  ''Forschende Komplementärmedizin/Research in Complementary Medicine'' 2013, 20, 434-443.
* '''Fasting followed by vegetarian diet in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review.'''  Müller, H.; Wilhelmi de Toledo, F.; Resch, K.-L.  ''Scandinavian journal of rheumatology'' 2001, ''30'', 1-10.
* '''Le conseil nutritionnel du patient en cure.'''  Wilhelmi de Toledo, F.  ''La Presse thermale et climatique'' 1999, 136, 231-235.
* '''Relationship between the rate of weight loss in a low caloric diet (250 kcal/day) and age, body mass index, gender, and number of fasting cycles.'''  Brubacher, D.; Jordan, P.; Wilhelmi de Toledo, F.; Brubacher, G.  ''Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin'' 1999, 138-142.
* '''Prediction of Weight Development on a 250 kcal/day Diet by a Simple Two-Compartment Model.'''  Brubacher, D.; Jordan, P.; Wilhelmi de Toledo, F.; Brubacher, G.  ''Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin'' 1998, ''23'', 293-298.
* '''The Klinik Buchinger Programme for the treatment of obesity.'''  Wilhelmi de Toledo, F.; Friebe, R.; Hebisch, D.; Kuhn, C.; Platzer, G.; Scharg, S.  ''Obesity in Europe'' 1993, 289-293.
* {{Literatur |Autor=Otto Buchinger |Titel=Das Heilfasten und seine Hilfsmethoden als biologischer Weg |Auflage=18. Aufl |Ort=Stuttgart |Datum=1979 |ISBN=978-3-7773-0018-4 |Online= |Abruf=}}
*{{Literatur |Autor=Otto Buchinger |Titel=Das Heilfasten und seine Hilfsmethoden als biologischer Weg |Auflage=18. Aufl |Ort=Stuttgart |Datum=1979 |ISBN=978-3-7773-0018-4 |Online= |Abruf=}}
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