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Zeile 13: Zeile 13:  
This study will determine whether EYT and Tai Chi reduce falls, injurious falls, fear of falling and healthcare utilisation and improve mobility, cognition, mood, quality of life and functional independence. A reduction of fall risk and fear of falling and an improvement of mobility, autonomy, quality of life, mood, and cognition are highly relevant for older people to cope with aging and diseases and to reduce healthcare costs.
This study will determine whether EYT and Tai Chi reduce falls, injurious falls, fear of falling and healthcare utilisation and improve mobility, cognition, mood, quality of life and functional independence. A reduction of fall risk and fear of falling and an improvement of mobility, autonomy, quality of life, mood, and cognition are highly relevant for older people to cope with aging and diseases and to reduce healthcare costs.
== Publikationen ==
=== Studienprotokoll ===
* {{Literatur|Autor=GS Kienle, PG Werthmann, B Grotejohann, K Kaier, I Steinbrenner, S Voigt-Radloff, R Huber|Titel=A multi-centre, parallel-group, randomised controlled trial to assess the efficacy and safety of eurythmy therapy and tai chi in comparison with standard care in chronically ill elderly patients with increased risk of falling (ENTAiER): a trial protocol|Sammelwerk=BMC Geriatr|Datum=17 Mar 2020|Band=20|Nummer=1|Seiten=108|DOI=10.1186/s12877-020-1503-6|PMID=32183768|PMC=7076928}}
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