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1.050 Bytes hinzugefügt ,  13:22, 12. Jan. 2022
Vorlage Literatur
Zeile 18: Zeile 18:  
*{{Literatur |Autor=Robin Mesnage, Franziska Grundler, Andreas Schwiertz, Yvon Le Maho, Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo |Titel=Changes in human gut microbiota composition are linked to the energy metabolic switch during 10 d of Buchinger fasting |Sammelwerk=Journal of Nutritional Science |Band=8 |Datum=2019 |ISSN=2048-6790 |DOI=10.1017/jns.2019.33 |PMC=6861737 |PMID=31798864 |Online= |Abruf=2022-01-12}}
*{{Literatur |Autor=Robin Mesnage, Franziska Grundler, Andreas Schwiertz, Yvon Le Maho, Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo |Titel=Changes in human gut microbiota composition are linked to the energy metabolic switch during 10 d of Buchinger fasting |Sammelwerk=Journal of Nutritional Science |Band=8 |Datum=2019 |ISSN=2048-6790 |DOI=10.1017/jns.2019.33 |PMC=6861737 |PMID=31798864 |Online= |Abruf=2022-01-12}}
*{{Literatur |Autor=Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, Franziska Grundler, Audrey Bergouignan, Stefan Drinda, Andreas Michalsen |Titel=Safety, health improvement and well-being during a 4 to 21-day fasting period in an observational study including 1422 subjects |Sammelwerk=PLOS ONE |Band=14 |Nummer=1 |Datum=2019-02-01 |ISSN=1932-6203 |DOI=10.1371/journal.pone.0209353 |PMC=6314618 |PMID=30601864 |Seiten=e0209353 |Online= |Abruf=2022-01-12}}
*{{Literatur |Autor=Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, Franziska Grundler, Audrey Bergouignan, Stefan Drinda, Andreas Michalsen |Titel=Safety, health improvement and well-being during a 4 to 21-day fasting period in an observational study including 1422 subjects |Sammelwerk=PLOS ONE |Band=14 |Nummer=1 |Datum=2019-02-01 |ISSN=1932-6203 |DOI=10.1371/journal.pone.0209353 |PMC=6314618 |PMID=30601864 |Seiten=e0209353 |Online= |Abruf=2022-01-12}}
*{{Literatur| DOI = 10.1159/000064270| ISSN = 2504-2092| Band = 9| Nummer = 3| Seiten = 189-198| Datum = 2002| Autor=F. Wilhelmi de Toledo, A. Buchinger, H. Burggrabe, M. Gaisbauer, G. Hölz, W. Kronsteiner, C. Kuhn, E. Lischka, N. Lischka, H. Lützner, W. May, D. Melchart, A. Michalsen, H. Müller, E. Peper, K.-L. Resch, M. Ritzmann-Widderich, A. Wessel, H. Wichert, R. Stange| Titel = Leitlinien zur Fastentherapie| Sammelwerk = [[Complementary Medicine Research]]|
*'''Fasting therapy-an expert panel update of the 2002 consensus guidelines.'''  Wilhelmi de Toledo, F.; Buchinger, A.; Burggrabe, H.; Hölz, G.; Kuhn, C.; Lischka, E.; Lischka, N.; Lützner, H.; May, W.; Ritzmann-Widderich, M.  ''Forschende Komplementärmedizin/Research in Complementary Medicine'' 2013, 20, 434-443.
Sprache = de| Online =| Abruf = 2022-01-07|Hrsg=|Auflage=|Verlag=|Ort=|ISBN=}}
*'''Fasting followed by vegetarian diet in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review.'''  Müller, H.; Wilhelmi de Toledo, F.; Resch, K.-L.  ''Scandinavian journal of rheumatology'' 2001, ''30'', 1-10.
*{{Literatur| DOI = 10.1159/000357602| ISSN = 2504-2092| Band = 20| Nummer = 6| Seiten = 434-443| Datum = 2013| Autor=[[Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo]], Andreas Buchinger, Hilmar Burggrabe, Gunter Hölz, Christian Kuhn, Eva Lischka, Norbert Lischka, Hellmut Lützner, Wolfgang May, Martha Ritzmann-Widderich, Rainer Stange, Anna Wessel, Michael Boschmann, Elisabeth Peper, [[Andreas Michalsen]]| Titel = Fasting Therapy - an Expert Panel Update of the 2002 Consensus Guidelines| Sammelwerk = [[Complementary Medicine Research]]| Sprache = en| Online =| Abruf = 2022-01-07|Hrsg=|Auflage=|Verlag=|Ort=|ISBN=}}
*{{Literatur |Autor=F. Wilhelmi de Toledo, K.-L. Resch H. Müller |Titel=Fasting followed by vegetarian diet in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review |Sammelwerk=Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology |Band=30 |Nummer=1 |Datum=2001-01-01 |ISSN=0300-9742 |DOI=10.1080/030097401750065256 |Seiten=1–10 |Online= |Abruf=}}
*'''Le conseil nutritionnel du patient en cure.'''  Wilhelmi de Toledo, F.  ''La Presse thermale et climatique'' 1999, 136, 231-235.
*'''Le conseil nutritionnel du patient en cure.'''  Wilhelmi de Toledo, F.  ''La Presse thermale et climatique'' 1999, 136, 231-235.
*'''Relationship between the rate of weight loss in a low caloric diet (250 kcal/day) and age, body mass index, gender, and number of fasting cycles.'''  Brubacher, D.; Jordan, P.; Wilhelmi de Toledo, F.; Brubacher, G.  ''Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin'' 1999, 138-142.
*'''Relationship between the rate of weight loss in a low caloric diet (250 kcal/day) and age, body mass index, gender, and number of fasting cycles.'''  Brubacher, D.; Jordan, P.; Wilhelmi de Toledo, F.; Brubacher, G.  ''Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin'' 1999, 138-142.
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